Friday, August 10, 2007

Old Playbooks

I was browsing the Internet and came across a very good website: Fast and Furious Football. Essentially, they just post tons and tons of old playbooks on their website.

I've found three, in specific, that I'm sure the readers of OTS will find quite interesting.

First, there is the 1975 Alabama offensive playbook. Essentially, it covers a lot of the ends and outs of the wishbone. It's a neat deal, plenty of hand-written notes in it as well. Plenty of other good stuff tool, such as specific route trees. It even has a special teams breakdown and a good deal of stuff about the defense, though it's not quite as specific as the offense.

Second, the 1989 Alabama offensive playbook. This is straight from the mind of offensive guru Homer Smith, and it is quite good. It is very long, as you would expect, but it's a great thing to read. As you would expect with Homer, there is a lot of intellectual ramblings about football concepts and the like. Tons of football knowledge to be found here.

Third, we have the 1999 Alabama defensive playbook. It's good stuff, and honestly it's in a much more user friendly format. It's a lot easier to browse through and comprehend.

All in all, it's a neat site. You can even find some stuff about Saban while he was at LSU. Very informative.

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